Joining as a member means supporting us by paying for a membership subscription. Membership is currently just €5 per household. Membership is open to all residents on the Myrtle side of The Coast, over 18 years of age and is open to both owners and tenants alike. Your annual membership is vital to the success of the residents association. This year your membership helped fund:
- The purchase of plants & flowers for new planters around the estate
- Community events such as Streetfeast & Playful Streets
- Litterpicks and dog poo bags for the dispensers
- The residents association website and newsletter
- Insurance to cover our community events
- By cash (drop in a sealed envelope to our treasurer at 16 Boyd House). Please include your name, address and phone number on the envelope.
- By bank transfer to:
Account Name: Myrtle The Coast Residents Association
Bank: Permanent TSB
IBAN: IE45IPBS99061633634628
Please include your name, address and phone number with your membership fee no matter how you pay.
Receipts are available on request. Thank you for your continued support.
The residents association couldn’t run without the hard work of the committee members. All our committee members are volunteers.
Chairperson – Elaine Verdon, Morrow House
Secretary – Samantha O’Flanagan, Morrow House
Treasurer – Justyna Shumakov, Boyd House
At present we have 18 committee members in total who oversee the running of the residents association. Our committee is formed at the annual AGM.